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Forster Park Primary School

YR3 Parakeet Class News @FP

In Parakeet class @FP, we have been learning about information texts and have begun to plan our own information writing. We talked about what we were ‘experts’ at and began to plan our writing around our topics. We have some experts in Chelsea FC, gymnastics, singing and flags to name just a few. We enjoy writing about topics that are interesting to us and have completed some great writing. A great start to the new year for our writers!

Our class book for our reading lessons is an information text called ‘100 things to know about the Human Body’. We have learnt lots of interesting and unbelievable facts this week! Did you know in a lifetime your nails will grow 2.5m in length? We grow 2metres of hair will grow from our noses!! Ask us some facts we will be able to surprise you!

This week we have begun a new initiative which the children loved. We are learning all about our minds. How to keep our brain and minds healthy and how we can help our brains to grow! We have cool new journals to record our learning and thoughts. We have learnt all about how our brain works. We learnt some new vocabulary. Ask us what our hippocampus, amygdala and prefrontal cortex does. We can teach you!