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Forster Park Primary School

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  • Newsletter - 25 07 2024

    Thu 25 Jul 2024

    Find out the latest news from Forster Park here:

    Wishing everyone a great summer

  • YR1 Dove Class News @FP

    Wed 24 Jul 2024

    In Dove class @FP last week, we were very busy reading and writing instructions in English. We followed instructions on how to make jam sandwiches which were very tasty. In Design and technology we have been learning about different foods and catagorising them into the different food groups: protein, fats, carbohydrates, dairy etc. We then made a fruit salad by cutting up different fruit and mixed them together in orange juice. It was very nice!

    In maths we were learning how to tell the time (o’clock and half past). Last week we were learning about place value using language such as hundreds, tens and ones, we have used the dienes and numicon to help us make numbers and then write the digits to the amount we have made.

    We have also been lucky enough to fit in a Sports Day! The children had so much fun competing in all the different activities. Well Done everyone!

    Over the past two weeks some of us also got to meet our new teachers in our new classrooms which was very exciting.

    It has been a great year and the children have grown in confidence and are now ready to move on to the next stage of their learning.

    We wish them all the best next year.

    From Miss Banning and Mrs Johnson

  • YR2 Flamingo Class News @FP

    Wed 24 Jul 2024

    Year 2 Flamingo class @FP have really enjoyed their Sports Day today. Here they are in the hockey race. Next they will take part in javelin, the obstable race, skipping and finally the famous tug of war!

  • YR1 Hummingbird Class News @FP

    Wed 24 Jul 2024

    The children, in Hummingbird class @FP, have been busy making fruit salad and jam sandwiches! We used our knowledge of the process to write instructions. Can you follow our instructions and make a sandwich?

  • REC Puffin Class News @FP

    Thu 18 Jul 2024

    We are now moving into our 6th week, and Summer term is well underway! We are currently continuing our growing and planting in our outdoor planters. This will be followed by ‘Mini-beasts’ and ‘Holidays’ alongside mini themes and topics relating to the children’s interests. As always we will talk to the children about what they already know, draw on prior learning and find out what they would like to explore.

    We are continuing to encourage the children to explore a range of mark making/writing tools and are supporting them in giving meaning to the marks they make. To support your child at home;

    • Take opportunities for your child to see you writing for example writing a shopping list, a card, a letter.
    • Encourage your child to hold a pencil and make marks such as simple lines and circles and support them in attempting to write their name.
    • If your child is already confident in this move on to encouraging your child to add further marks to represent simple words and support them in giving meaning to those marks.
    • Take opportunities to talk to your child about the weather encouraging them to share their experiences when out and about!
    • Continue to share and talk about stories with your child. This is such an important part of your child’s development which will continue to support their early reading and writing!

    We are continuing to reinforce numeral recognition between 0 and 10 and develop awareness of numerals and shapes in the environment. This can be supported at home by;

    • Encouraging your child to count everyday items such as toys, fruit, cups and plates,
    • Introducing simple number problems and drawing attention to numbers when out and about; bus numbers, car registration plates etc.
    • Drawing attention to shape; car wheels, windows, road signs.

    We would love to see and celebrate anything your child has done at home in the way of pictures, letter and number work, including examples of drawings, writing and photographs!

  • Newsletter 12 07 2024

    Fri 12 Jul 2024

    Find out our latest news in our two weekly newsletter here:

  • Oakbridge Nursery news

    Fri 12 Jul 2024

    📚✨ A Heartfelt Farewell to Our Little Stars 🌟

    With just one more week of nursery to go, we are preparing to celebrate a significant milestone as our beloved children embark on their next big adventure – Reception Class! 🎉 From their first giggles to their countless discoveries, we’ve cherished every moment watching them grow. 🌱

    Parents and guardians, your little ones have blossomed into curious, confident, and kind-hearted individuals. As they take this next step, let’s cheer them on with love and pride! 💖

    Here’s to new beginnings, endless learning, and wonderful memories ahead. 📖✨ Keep shining bright, little stars! 🌟

    #NextChapter #GrowingUp #NurseryToReception #ProudMoments #LittleLearners #BigDreams #NewBeginnings #ForeverFriends

  • YR6 Eagle Class News @FP

    Thu 11 Jul 2024

    This week, the children in Eagle class @FP engaged in a lovely mindfulness activities and free games session which helped them slow things down after SATs and enjoy mindful breathing. Such calm practice aids them to observe their thoughts and feelings so they can begin to choose their behaviours instead of acting impulsively. 

  • YR5 Magpie Class News @FP

    Wed 10 Jul 2024

    In history, Year 5 Magpie class @FP, the children have been learning about ancient Kingdom of Benin. As part of their learning, they first designed a tile by sketching one or more of the animals – in the same style as the Benin art. Finally, they created an animal tiles (used as a gift to the gods at one of the Oba’s ceremonies) out of clay.

  • Nightingale Class News @FP

    Thu 04 Jul 2024

    In Nightingale class @FP, we have been looking at magnets in science. We have tested many objects to see if they are magnetic or not. We had great fun experimenting. We completed a table to show our findings.

    In maths we have been looking at time. This has included the days of the week, months of the year and actually telling the time using our own clocks. We are very good at our o’clock times. Ask us!

    We have been looking at Great Explorers in Room 2 and this week we learnt all about Amelia Earhart and why she is a famous explorer. We wrote facts about her exploration and made them into posters.

    In room 1 we love minibeasts. This week we have been reading the book ‘Superworm’ by Julia Donaldson. We looked at mini beasts in detail and learnt facts about worms. We also spent time sequencing the story and writing simple sentences.

    This week we used the cookery room to decorate biscuits. We chose the colour of our icing and what we would use to decorate them. We worked together as a team. It was great fun!