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Forster Park Primary School

Parent App

At Forster Park, we use a pupil management system called 'ScholarPack' to manage the information that we hold for your child/ren.  


The system comes with a useful parents' app that enables you to view and amend information about your children.


Please can you regularly log into the ScholarPack Parent’s app and check that all the details we hold for yourselves and your child/ren are correct.


If you haven’t already, please download the app from your app store on your mobile  phone (Apple or Google Play), search for ‘ScholarPack Parents’.  Enter your telephone number and link up code.  If you do not have any of these details please email the office on: who will give you your code.


Our app is used for many things including sending important messages, viewing your child’s attendance and much more.


Watch a helpful video here:

How to use the ScholarPack Parents app