Resource Base
Welcome to The Nest
Forster Park Resource base
Forster Park has specialist resource provision for pupils with a diagnosis of autism (ASC/D/D: Autistic Spectrum Condition/Disorder and SEMH), called the Nest. It has spaces for 14 pupils from Reception through to Year 6 (age 4-11), allocated by the Local Authority to children with EHCPs. The Resource Base focuses on delivering a specific educational programme for these children, and has a curriculum that is adapted to meet their individual needs to develop the ‘whole child’, balancing the development of life and social skills with academic learning.
Children within the Nest are grouped according to need, age and ability, and have access to a wide range of activities. They follow the Foundation or National Curriculum adapted to their needs and learning is developed in small steps. Children are taught individually, in small groups or as a class group with adult support and are encouraged to work with different adults to help them gain independence. The provision uses a highly structured teaching approach so that children know what is happening and what is expected of them at any time of the day. Physical activities such as soft play, movement, outdoor play and swimming are incorporated to calm the children and to develop their social communication skills.
Resource Based children have individually designed timetables based on their individual needs, strengths and abilities. They access the mainstream environment and work alongside their mainstream peers where appropriate. Children in the Resource Base work in a structured, autism-friendly environment; our staff receive training regularly to support the delivery of a variety of strategies and techniques. We work closely with parents and communicate with them regularly.
The development of early communication skills has a high priority. The children work on a number of different programmes to improve their communication skills. Makaton signs and symbols are also used to support communication. Attainment and progress are tracked using a ‘small steps’ approach that shows progress in clear and precise stages. These small increments of progress are used to inform individual, personalised targets.
Physical, visual and verbal prompts are given to help children understand what is required, and gentle, low arousal approaches are used wherever possible to calm and distract the children if they are upset or in difficulty.
Strategies used within the Resource base:
Visuals and Communicate in Print:
Visuals, made using the INprint programme, are a vital tool that enable children with ASD to navigate through life. Visuals are key to supporting the structured environment we create in our Resource Base and support the developing of confidence and independence as well as alleviating anxiety about what is coming next. These include visual timetables, now and next boards and visual instructions.
Sensory Provision:
We have a sensory room with a variety of apparatus that help children to navigate and manage their sensory needs. These include ear defenders, weighted blankets and fidget toys. We also run different sessions using lights, sand and water play, bubbles and play dough.
Fine and gross motor skills:
Many children with ASC/D have underdeveloped fine and gross motor skills. We use a variety of techniques to support children in this area including threading, writing and mark making and sensory circuits (balancing and climbing).
Social and life skills:
We run social and life skill groups to help children develop the skills they need to complete daily tasks. These include: developing emotional literacy; cooking and table top activities incorporating ‘learning to learn’ skills (waiting, eye contact, listening, sitting, turn taking and sharing).
Children also take part in cooking, PE, music and a variety of visits in the local and wider community. Children are additionally taught and provided with opportunities to practise everyday skills like looking after ourselves, making friends, staying safe and learning about the wider world.
SALT (Speech and Language Therapy)
All children in resource base receive SALT. Targets are part of their daily routine in the base and the children receive sessions with our therapists.