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Forster Park Primary School home page

Forster Park Primary School

Online Safety

The internet and the online world can be an amazing resource and tool for communication, information and enjoyment. However, it also has inherent risks that can be of huge concern. At Forster Park children are regularly taught about how to stay safe and behave online and we want to ensure that parents have that same opportunity.


This page contains the school's policies, online user agreements and useful websites and information about how to keep your children safe online. In addition, please look out for any Online Safety up dates from school. 


If you have a concern and the information on or linked to this page that does not help then please contact the school using our email address or call the office and they will put you in contact with the correct person to deal with your concern.

At Forster Park we follow Childnet International's SMART Rules:

At school we a have a strict filtering system provided by LGfL along with controls on our technology to increase the safety of our children when online. However at home, with so many different online devices, it can be a real challenge.

With that in mind, below we have included a link to and their page which can guide you through setting up parental controls on a wide variety of apps and devices:  

Forster Park's E-safety Updates

Useful Websites

For further information please use the listed websites below which contain a wealth of knowledge and expertise about internet safety.