YR6 Hawk Class News @FP
This half term the children in Year 6 Hawk @FP, were lucky enough to be visited and talked to by Ben’s mum who brought in memorabilia and personal items from her family members who fought in both World War One and Two. It was fascinating to touch original ration books, coins, a Bible, letters etc that were from that period in history rather than just reading or viewing images. The children were very respectful and moved by the objects handled.
We have enjoyed many Easter activities including the Y5/6 end of term disco – not much action from our Year 6s as they preferred sitting and being cool to dancing. Everyone had a great time though and the music was fantastic. Thanks to all the staff who stayed behind to help.
SATS are nearly upon us and the children have been working hard revisiting and learning arithmetic, reading and grammar skills. They are taking home work that will keep them in the ‘study’ mode, please ensure your child completes work most days as it will pay dividends for when we return. There are many websites for children to visit to support their learning plus they have log-ins for programs.
Have a lovely Easter from Hawk class.