YR6 Hawk Class News @FP
This half term the children in Hawk class @FP are continuing their history topic of World War II and they have been fascinated by the information they have learned. They have embraced the topic throughout a range of disciplines including reading, design and technology and art.
We have learnt to empathise with the characters in the moving novel, ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’. Children are able to explain the growth of both the figures of Mister Tom and William. They are understanding the history of the war through this tale, bringing to life the ideas of the Anderson Shelter, rationing as well as the huge changes that the evacuees and their guardians had to overcome.
Propaganda images used throughout the second world war have been a great starting point for understanding how governments use language and repeat information through sources to create a joint feeling in the country. They were able to see the similarities and differences between the information used in the ‘40s and the recent government issued-posters and advertising of the 2020s.