YR5 Magpie Class News @FP
YR5 Magpie c;ass @FP have had a busy start to the Spring term. We are very excited to be attending swimming lessons on Mondays and some of us are already making great progress!
In Maths, we have been focusing on adding and subtracting mixed numbers that have different denominators. We focused on neat presentation to support our methods. We are now going to start looking at formal multiplication methods.
For English, we have been inspired by recent celebrity memoirs and decided to write our own. The children have shown great maturity when speaking about their most meaningful and life changing memories. We have focused on painting pictures with our words to inspire empathy from the reader.
The children have loved learning about Space (specifically the Earth, Sun and Moon) in Science and how these link with Time Zones in Geography. These subjects have helped us to think about how the world works and the importance of our solar system.
Year 5 were introduced to ceramicist Peggy Bjerkan who creates abstract masks in Art. We researched her work and have started to plan our own masks inspired by her work. They children especially enjoyed finding ways to incorporate nature into their designs – just like Peggy!