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Forster Park Primary School

Year 3 Pelican Class News @FP

Welcome to Pelican class’ first Newsletter! Thank you to every parent who took the time to attended the ‘Meet the Teacher’, evening, it was greatly appreciated.

In Pelican class @FP, we have had a busy and exciting three weeks!

Reading: The children have been reading, ‘Llama Out Loud’, a story about Yasmin Shah is a ten-year-old girl who is part of a big, noisy family and doesn’t ever speak. Levi is a rude, sassy toy llama, who talks A LOT, and has come to wreak havoc in Yasmin’s life. Yasmin tries everything she can to escape Levi, but she can’t help being dragged along on his crazy antics.  The children are really enjoying this chapter book and exploring the skills of inference, predication and retrieval of information in order to develop their comprehension.

In English we have been exploring what it means to be a writer and writing for different purposes.  Year three are currently taking part in part the ‘wonderful world of Young Writers’, Little Dreamers competition.  Please hold this space – as we hope to come back with some winning poetry writing.  With Parents permission any successful entries will be published in a book for Parents, friends and family to buy.

In maths we continue to explore the value of each digit within a number. For example, the 5 in 350 represents 5 tens, or 50; however, the 5 in 5,006 represents 5 thousand, or 5,000.

In Science we have been learning about nutrition, the study of food and how it works in your body.

In Music we a currently exploring the use of notes and timing using the untune drum and the tune instrument of a xylophone.

We have been learning about Pablo Picasso and looking at his art. We then made our own collage faces similar to his style. What do you think?

We will say, goodbye for now!