Nightingale Class News @FP
In Nightingale class @FP, We have had lots of fun in Nightingale Class. We have been working on our listening and attention skills with games such as “What’s in the Bag?” and “Kim’s Game”. We take part in these games every day to help us improve our focus and attention.
Some of the children in Year 1 and Year 2 went along to the Unicorn Theatre in London on Friday to see the production “The Princess and the Pea”. It was a great performance. We loved going on the train and also eating our lunch at Tower Bridge!
We bake every week in Nightingale Class and this week we made chocolate chip shortbread. They were delicious! We made them ourselves and then went on to write instructions for the recipe so that others could make them too.
We have been working on our ICT skills and love visiting the ICT suite once a week. We have been learning how to log on and off independently and also we have been learning how to use and control a mouse.
Last week we loved learning all about Space in both Nightingale classes. We learnt about the solar system and all of the planets. We went on to make Solar system posters. We played a Space Quiz in teams and new all of the answers!
We have been learning what plants need to grow and have planted our own seeds which will turn into bulbs. We spoke about where would be best to plant them and why and gave them lots of water as it has been so hot!