YR5 Macaw Class News @FP
The Museum of London are working with Year 5 to deliver ‘My London Story’, a project aiming to understand young people’s experiences of London today.
As a museum that tells the story of the capital and its people from its first settlers to modern times, we want to add new objects and stories about the present day.
‘My London Story’ is an exciting Arts Council England funded project that want children from a wide range of backgrounds to document their lives in the city. The museum hope to use these materials to represent the diverse lived experiences of London’s children in future exhibitions, displays and programmes. The whole year group watched a theatre performance from some very cool actors. They retold individual stories of children growing up in London with different lifestyles, problems and diversities.
“It was very entertaining and it had lots of emotions and feelings that I could relate to” Zahara
“I enjoyed that it was quite diverse and humorous because of their Jamaican accents” Blake
Keep an eye out for more of our collaborative work with the museum coming soon!